#011: These Are a Few of Our Favorite Insights

Sure I like your theory guys, but I want to hear some stories from the trenches! Episode 11 is all about the anecdotes, with the guys sharing stories about work they’ve done as analysts that had the most impact. Whether from hard work or a moment of inspiration, big wins with analysis are sometimes few and far between Hear some great examples from Michael, Tim and Jim’s personal experiences. What has 6 legs, three microphones and will make you a better analyst in 42 minutes? It’s the Digital Analytics Power Hour.


Episode Transcript

The following is a straight-up machine translation. It has not been human-reviewed or human-corrected. We apologize on behalf of the machines for any text that winds up being incorrect, nonsensical, or offensive. We have asked the machine to do better, but it simply responds with, “I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

[00:00:25] Welcome to the digital unlimited power. This is Episode 11.

[00:00:29] We’re going to talk about this show topic near and dear to all of our hearts. It is the topic of insights and a few of our personal favorites over the years we’ve managed to analyze some websites or some digital applications. So tonight joined by my two stalwart cohosts Tim Wilson and of course joined by Jim Kane. Jim and I wanted to say yeah this is very good. And of course Michael hobbling. And so tonight guys this is exciting. We are all by historical trade analysts we joined the web analytics ranks in the arts or before or the noughties as they call them in Canada. We all have gone through this process of creating analysis delivering insights and this show is going to be dedicated to some of her favorites. And here’s the encouraging thing for all the people listening. They’re probably not even that good. Like seriously you guys can all probably do better.

[00:01:37] No episode has made me face my imposter syndrome a condition more squarely in the eye than they are just jot down your most glorious insights ever.

[00:01:48] Yeah it is hard to talk about them as if they were your own but in some ways you know in my career I’ve always found the greatest insights and actions we’ve taken.

[00:02:00] I’ve always been part of a team so I like to talk about it in that context. We DELAY Good.

[00:02:06] Okay so hey let’s jump into the topic shall we. What if we started one step back before we started. Industry time and we talked about what we think an insight is skipping.

[00:02:19] That’s exactly what I was going to say. So I couldn’t agree with you more saying the thing that I was going to say Hosam tame.

[00:02:26] Do you also concur.

[00:02:28] Probably I voted. So yeah. This is where I feel like I really didn’t prepare. I once once again going back and reading the seminal work on what is an insight from our friend to the north Mr Berry.

[00:02:43] It was exactly who I was going to reference. Christopher Barry that definition of an insight is a great starting point. Anybody have it up on the screen can share it I can is locate her read off the tattoo on my forearm.

[00:03:00] I was so upset. I was like You guys are going to compliment me for once. Oh yeah crisping is a really smart person really smart Canadia.

[00:03:09] Let’s talk about one of them since he’s not here tonight. Very soon. CHRIS BARRIE Mr CJP Barry and CJP Veria on Twitter. For anyone who’s not familiar with him the writer of pithy posts of which many of them I can understand and many of them I realise I’m not smart enough to understand but an insight is for things new information executable causes action and profitable or in more detail and insight is a piece of information you didn’t know before which is oh like if you stop there it would just be interesting information executable that can feasibly be executed culturally acceptable and of a scale relevant to the firm and cause of action that caused the decision to be made that wouldn’t have been made otherwise and it results in profit or as a state of a competitive advantage. That last one is the one that I think you say profitable when you’re starting to think that oh I can point to the income statement and say this number would have been X instead of Y and I think there are definitely times that it is a positive business move but not necessarily one that you can say I can directly tell the financial results.

[00:04:18] Yeah I would say that’s the only aspect of the definition that I would let people wiggle around on just a little bit depending on where the organization is in terms of their ability to tie especially digital analytics metrics and indicators to the actual company’s bottom line. Because when you can’t do that no insight can really truly meet this definition because you can never prove that last part. But other than that just a super solid well-thought-out definition. We are all in your debt Mr. Barry. Perfect. Okay now we can jump into storytime unless Jim you disagree with this definition which is technically your right to do so since you are also Canadian.

[00:04:56] No I mean I don’t disagree that at all. I mean I know it’s in the Shonna to you guys instead of reading read Chris Berris blog which I totally fact where you know there’s similar issues and that is something that’s interesting.

[00:05:08] It’s not an insight. Something that’s valuable is an insight and kind of knowing what that is. Again it needs to be tied to business value. And I think even if a piece of work meets all of Chris’s criteria you set about drives action implies it was deliberate to someone who can take action. So you know a great a great piece of analysis delivered to the wrong person in the org or deliberately improperly to the right person doesn’t count. Right.

[00:05:34] It’s actually funny because because you know that’s definitely one of the kind of Diplock Papaioannou micro or actionable insights phrase you know you go talk to a marketer who’s like I want actionable insights. You know this this definition of inside. I mean even when you’re you know similar you know same same vein as kind of like that. That’s like a key KBI you don’t actionable insight you can give me terms of the English language that yes an insight wouldn’t necessarily need to be actionable whereas the application of don’t call it an inside unless it causes action.

[00:06:08] Yeah. Didn’t Jim Stern write a blog post where he kind of broke apart the word actionable and basically it’s a legal term basically means you could get sued with this insight or something like that.

[00:06:20] Oh I might have missed that one. I feel I must go look it up that went up on the Facebook page when we publish it.

[00:06:28] So of sort of cameras and insight if there is suspected information or somebody says I think this is going on or if this is going on I could do something and there’s a pretty good chance that it’s going on but I don’t have any I think confirming some Birdie’s suspicion or assumptions. They have the confidence to take action because they may say that this is what’s happening but I don’t have the data to show it. So I don’t know that you’re providing new information implies that it’s just a total surprise and I think you can have insights that are not surprising. It was somebody actually doing it and it was that marketers forget to do all the damn time which is go navigate your own and Web site and say oh wow I had a hard time finding that button or I can’t manage to submit the form on the first try on my own side. I bet other people are probably having this problem and then it’s not necessarily new information is just quantifying invalidating. Yes that is the case. Now I’ve arm somebody to take action because they can say you know this is what’s going on.

[00:07:36] You know I think a good insight presented badly that no one executes on is an end in sight. And what you’re talking about is people have always kind of known this but when I wrote it up properly and presented it appropriately everybody got excited. I’ll bet you a shiny new tudi that every single anecdote that comes up today will include a piece where someone goes and then when I presented it to this person we found together late there won’t be. I wrote a one pager and CC that to 40 people.

[00:08:05] Yeah I figured I I to know that it was like that. Some of the inside there were like I are best insights because they lead to action seem obvious in hindsight but you know the data was kind of there staring people in the face that nobody had said Oh let me actually look at it and tease that apart and then get to your point a lot of cases visualize it communicated effectively you know show in stark relief. This is what’s going on. It is like oh I guess that yeah I guess that is going on and that’s probably not a good thing. We should we should change.

[00:08:38] So here’s another level study in question maybe. What if your insight is the thing that tips the balance for the business to do something that kind of knows it should do anyways but hasn’t ever pulled the trigger on. Is that still qualified in your minds as an insight if you deliver an analysis that shows and gets people excited and oriented around a course of action.

[00:09:03] I think so. I think that concept of drives action is one of the most critical pieces drives successful action is an optimal outcome. But you know I think Tim was saying earlier there have been situations everybody kind of knew it but it took someone to go and see the numbers prove it.

[00:09:20] To me that’s a huge insight I guess that makes sense and it sort of is not like a new concept but maybe the analysis is new information. That is the fomenting of that change and that action. All right good.

[00:09:31] I have some stories to share that in that case did you just hear this entire conversation. No not at all.

[00:09:43] I’d like one of you guys please. We’ve danced around enough it’s time to tell some true tales of analytics awesomeness.

[00:09:52] I mean I could definitely start with one of my favorites because it’s kind of a again and again and it’s occurred recently in kind of the more have extreme examples and it goes to what I say. One of the core things that go to tagging aside when I don’t have great guidance is if there’s a form I’m going to make sure that I have tagged the forms and the forms and the form validation errors spit out a specific recent example was I was just checking the site trying to confirm that we were capturing registration data properly and the web analytics platform. Comparing that to the CRM and I went through the process and got this. I think the first Harrich outlined your passwords doesn’t meet our requirements. And I was like Wow that’s interesting you didn’t tell me the password requirements word it turns out they’re really frickin strict. I bet that happens a lot. I get on my back and entered the password correctly and I was really just trying to get that confirmed what the tagging was on the confirmation page.

[00:10:49] And then I got this a registration error has occurred and that was the extent of the of the error. So I wasn’t actually chasing the is are kind of checking our data and realized that we didn’t have the form validation errors you know tagged so it back and Tad didn’t actually say anything to the to the business. We just use the time management system to go and put that in. And sure enough it was like over half of the people who submitted the form were getting an heir. And then the big notes the prize was a big chunk of those were getting the a your password doesn’t meet its requirements.

[00:11:28] And then the number two thing was this mysterious registration error has occurred. And I had a hard time actually getting past that I never could get past the error just like it was sporadic and it wasn’t very descriptive.

[00:11:40] So that was one where I let the data run for just like a week and then I sort of pulled it and put it in a simple visualization and said I think it’s that one note out to the to the team that is kind of controlling the process and said occasionally it seems the registration errors occurred. What is that. You know what that is and I kind of got a and that’s some weird thing it doesn’t happen very often. So I then turned around and went back to him and said You guys need to really dig into this because look when that error occurs the percentage the conversion rate for the form goes way way way down because people are and they’re submitting you know comparing uniques to totals mean they’re they’re getting it like three and four times when they get it and then they’re bailing and they put that in front of them to say you’re driving a lot of media to try to get people to fill out this form and then they’re willing but they’re not able.

[00:12:35] So that’s that’s definitely and I bet in my career I have had probably four or five cases where actually outlining this is what’s really happening on your forum people can’t get through it easily. Would you deliver that to Tim. I don’t get it to the work of simultaneously to the brand manager and the agency that owns the site to one person there. I had like a standing bi weekly meeting with them and so I just said hey I was kind of poking around and found this and that sent them off to kind of research what was the issue of someone’s listening and in and a user experience guy.

[00:13:14] Are they going to go. That was an analysis. No I’m just curious on Outlook’s I think it’s analysis.

[00:13:19] That’s what I think was great about that story is that that’s where the analysis started was with your own user experience and assessment of what it took to do that action on the site. I find that. Yeah usability and user experience is just an amazing place to start for sites I had insights and optimization especially for things that are like just blockers for people. A similar situation which was we had this weirdness in the data that there was sort of on site search and when people used to search the call to action for use in the search wasn’t super clear in that there was a button that said search and there was a foreign field right next to it. And what was happening is people were clicking the button before entering anything and the site was conducting a search on basically the entry or search phrase into your search. Oh yeah. And giving back a page of like what are you talking about. I have no results to share with you. And that little team. So we we just wrote it up we said Here’s how many users impacting here is that we think the business value this is based on the revenue that we see going through search delivered that to leadership and move that independent ization to get fixed and updated it’s all that pent up to take shape. But that’s like one of those. It’s just so simple like that.

[00:14:38] It’s not like we change the world that day but that was a slight user experience improvement that we could prove with data and that’s what I like about it is sometimes you and usability is so subjective initially because not enough proof for some people has been delivered right because it’s you know all those users in the lab they don’t know what they’re talking about. You know that kind of thing. But then if you can back it up with Hey 30 percent of our site visitors also have the same experience. Now you’re talking about a pretty good sized population. You’re impacting a much bigger segment.

[00:15:15] So are you saying are you x guy would go. I think this is happening and based on our best practices we should fix it. And an analyst will go. I’m pretty sure this is happening and now that I see it I’m going to see if the data validates my hypothesis. It gets a totally different approach.

[00:15:32] Well it basically is that step of Hey the Me and the US guy both agree that there’s probably something we should fix but to get the rest of the organization on board we need to show them something better than a couple videos from the civility lab.

[00:15:47] It’s not me it’s not good for the US guy who designed the experience to start with the U.S. guy who inherited who’s kind of working on tweaking that side and it’s driving them nuts because he thinks it’s such a miss and which goes to the criticality of being having a good relationship with multiple organizations and being able to partner with somebody new X who says Yeah this seems like it was you know like navigation or secondary navigation has no pause So if you accidentally you’re trying to move to some navigation and you slip off of the sub now it disappears. We need to put a 1 second delay on it like OK how can we figure that out. Let’s do a test.

[00:16:29] We’ve never been successful at really partnering with people in the U.S. team. It just seems like we speak different languages that’s maybe a skill that I can work on my anecdote that slides into this particular theme that we had a customer a couple of years ago when we do a lot of retail and they said we’re our Canadian visitor conversion rate is terrible. We ship a contiguous North America you know. So what is it. Is it search terms is it this is it that we spend a lot of time in the data until we finally ran a test transaction and we realized that click on enter your shipping information page because a Canadian postal code has a space in the middle. So it’s like three digit space three digits and an American Postal Code doesn’t have a space. And whoever wrote the form wouldn’t let you put a space in you had to do it all as one thing where I should get an error message. And the second that we tried to run a test transaction pissed us off we went. I wonder how many people this happens to and then you know as Tim was saying earlier we measured the hell out of the form clearers and it was on your face. That’s where one of the biggest bottlenecks was.

[00:17:34] Yeah yeah that’s said then Scicluna and I wound up having that conversation often like when they are told to go hey can you go look in the data and figure out what’s going on with this. If an analyst doesn’t the first thing you need to do is go through this and actually understand what you think is two things this one is actually capturing the user experience and then it’s too. And maybe this is I don’t I am a consultant so I work on a bunch of sites so I don’t just remember how everything is tagged on every single site but even when I was on a single site and had done the tagging and knew it intimately I still wanted to check the tags were firing as intended and not just kind of leaping to oh what I see in the tool is is what’s going on.

[00:18:16] Yeah I got all these examples are ones were saying when I looked at it and it seemed like we basically developed the hypothesis and then went and said how are we going to validate that.

[00:18:29] And I think there’s a couple really cool things that you just alluded to. Maybe you didn’t I’m going to act like you did. So I can bring up something really cool I mean to say that’s exact Yeah exactly. But there’s a couple of things you afterward actually doing analysis or before doing analysis of the data and you’re kind of saying hey here’s an important step in developing an insight which is validate the underlying data in the first place right. Does this actually work the way we think it’s working which is really important and then post analysis delivery of that analysis and in the form of delivery of that analysis when you deliver analysis in the context of the person who’s receiving it. In other words you speak their language. So let’s say this person is not a digital website person. They’re a marketing person and you don’t talk about digital metrics or maybe talk about conversion rate but tie it to metrics that map to them in there. That’s huge for getting analysis adopt as you say hey this is the impact on ibadah earnings before tax depreciation and amortization.

[00:19:42] Oh yeah okay just might be like a brand new analytics person out there listening for the first time I had the API T A. For those of you playing at home. That’s right. And you know giving that kind to the analysis is a big eye opener when you can. Not everyone can.

[00:20:05] Sometimes you have to go further back so you know each generation you know you take you take any that’s where you start doing a little bit of somewhat assumptive models say wow if we get the number of people and half we know what we’re spending on media we know what our conversion rate is I can do the math for you and say you know what if we just got this to happen half as. Then our CPA our certified public accountant. Our cost per acquisition whatever rate whatever they’re focused on. So this would actually move this in a positive positive for the business by lowering the value of direction. So you are getting it to what they’re what they care about as quickly as possible.

[00:20:46] Or it’s the raw volume. This would increase the number of leads for the same price. But figuring out what it is they’re they’re more concerned about.

[00:20:55] So two key things for a really great insight is stakeholder relevance and opportunity cost. That’s a good point as well. Yeah. Yeah I mean I think I don’t even know if I’d call this in and say but one of the biggest wins I’ve had in the last couple of years was getting the CEO of a fairly large client to stop asking for bounce rate on his executive summary because he went like we spent half an hour talking about will bounce rate means and he finally went oh I get it. It lives here for these reasons. Absolutely. Get that off my page. And it also meant that the like the level of questions he started to ask went through the roof like is really good education considered an insight. Or that’s just something also awesome that an analyst does.

[00:21:40] Yeah that’s just something also awesome I guess kudos to you on the win because that’s one huge part of the process. A lot of times is elevating the conversation to the right level both for the analyst and the stakeholder to be talking about the right things at the right time. Yeah because if you’re CMO or your president is stuck talking bounce rate unless you make money by not bouncing you know there’s limited utility in having that conversation.

[00:22:10] So anybody want to start with another zinger. Your turn your turn. Yeah. Jim give us a Canadian insight. So there were a beaver dam in my backyard. Well the stem winder you Well I mean one of the ones that was on my list are you know just just a couple of gimmes maybe one of them is on coupon code fields. So the very first time I did this we were looking at largest site retail and they wanted to figure out whether it was worthwhile having an affiliate marketing program. Because it was very expensive. It looked like it was shooting the lights out and once we started to look at it in more detail we realized with most analysts who do a lot of retail know which is that coupon code fields are kind of terrible and you shouldn’t have them. Moreover a very large percent of the people who use coupon codes were driven to buy coupon stuffers like retail. And when you start to actually look at the data a lot of times you’re actually shooting yourself in the foot twice. I’m on the shopping cart. I see coupon code. I immediately leave that site and I googled brand name coupon code because there’s no way I’m giving up a discount. So I abandoned the shopping cart then I come back through to the shopping cart through a coupon affiliate and so not only did I lose the original sale. Now I have to pay arbitrarily five to 15 points on the sale to someone who doesn’t even deserve it. They did nothing right.

[00:23:41] And once we started to build a model to show not all affiliate is bad people like this cost you a fortune. Also maybe having a coupon code box period is not a good idea. It led to some really significant wins and it turned into something like a follow through for me and I wonder if you guys agree but I think any analyst with some experience has their playbook of. These are insights that I’ve generated in my career that are homerun swings every time they’re my best practices like that coupon code thing. I’ve applied over and over again it’s become a best practice and to me a great insight tends to become what other people would call my my least favorite phrase but low hanging fruit you know.

[00:24:29] Well I think that’s it. I don’t know that the best practice. Right there’s been there have been lots of justified I think the best practice can be a dirty word because it’s I think back to what we were talking about earlier that you can say you know what. I’ve seen this five times and five times it’s been the case. It’s a best practice but still me. Oh yeah always going and you know trust but verify type and say Does this apply because you don’t know when you’re going to hit the situation where it’s not a case where no your price point. People won’t buy if they don’t get that discount you’ve got a little bit of a pricing issue and you’d actually lose the business if you if people didn’t find a discount somewhere. Now you’re having to pay the affiliate a little bit of that. Better just a lawyer lower your prices and not be you know arbitrarily paying a middleman.

[00:25:17] Oh don’t get me wrong the best practice for an analyst is something where you go. I could save myself 10 hours in terms of running this playbook on the data and I could be right. You do this because it always works.

[00:25:29] Yeah and this is where I think experience and intuition coupled with data creates really strong analysis because you’ve seen those things you’re like hey you know what. Half of the traffic goes through on site search.

[00:25:41] I’m going to spend some time analyzing onsite search but that can be I mean there just to be clear that doesn’t have to be into the intuition of the analyst it’s the we’ve covered this before that there’s the oh now we have all this data.

[00:25:54] I don’t need to think independently. And I want the intuition of the CMO and the director of marketing and the 22 year old intern well maybe enough a 22 year old intern. Words aren’t words aren’t a linear correct. I think he just made it that was it you say.

[00:26:11] Get off my lawn.

[00:26:14] I like millennials and think they’re a valuable part of our industry. Are still hiring NASA and DoD search discovery. Do we have them. We’ve got another one that was kind of fun.

[00:26:27] A lot of these are ones that I might have applied them multiple times and they are a go to hey I bet if I throw this into a little heat map it’s going to show the same thing and was it it was digital social or not. Web analytics. But it was trying to kind of tackle time of day a week for social media or people said when how often should I be posting on Facebook. In this case specifically Facebook you can do it with Twitter you can do with Pinterest. How often. What times of day what days of the week and consistently what I find is that because the people who are doing the posting have to have a certain volume they get into a pattern and they sort of have already settled into a we’re going to post twice a day at 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and they put some logic into it saying well based on our audience this is when we think there’ll be testing Facebook and then they have these little oddball cases for one reason or another where they posted on a Wednesday at 9:00 p.m. and you’re taking that data and putting it in fairly simple as they are going to look at the reach and the engagement of that content and pull up. Pull back and say you realize you were in a wreck like you were treating this like e-mail and you were hitting the exact same time and they’re likely. And we can show when you have these other random posts these these few posts the fall and other sites that those actually perform quite well.

[00:27:54] You know maybe you don’t want to be you know treating it like e-mail. We send our e-mails at 930 on Tuesday mornings and treat it more like social media that people were checking on throughout the day and your followers and the people who will get exposed to it you’re probably going to do better with the same volume but mixing it up more. And by the way that would give us a better mix of data where maybe we do find consistently dead spots consistently hot spots the kind of refined when you’re posting. And that’s happened multiple times when you put in from say there are many. You’ve never posted before 10:00 a.m. And don’t you think people check Facebook before they go to work. NAGANO Yeah I guess they I guess we do.

[00:28:32] And I’m thinking this is interesting too because your two examples both of which I think are cool but instead of you going someone got me to go fishing in the data I found this.

[00:28:44] You’re the one forming the hypothesis that both of these scenarios now know that in that case there was the question why the question that came in was what’s the optimal time of day in day a week. And I went into it thinking oh well you’ve been hosting all over the place the largest to find the optimal time of day and day a week basis of when you’ve been posting and realized that I had no data for certain times of day and day of the week. So really the first level and the first order inside I delivered was I can’t answer your question. If nothing else you have to give me a few weeks where you do mix it up so I can actually get a data set to work with. But kind of inadvertently delivered an insight along the way that that could rationalize it which is part of that part of the insights too if you say I’ve found that data says it’s totally bizarre crazy thing and I can’t explain it then don’t present that insight until you can actually rationalize why it’s happening. So yeah to put the story behind it and to actually say oh I don’t have that data. I understand what they’re doing. I understand how this is probably negatively impacting him and put that story in front of them so I couldn’t even get to the to the question they were asking until we’d solved kind of a more base issue.

[00:29:52] But it sounds like I mean to use classic Wilson vocabulary. Yeah they when did you down a road with the question and you’re like I can’t answer it. But I believe that your e-mail centimes are too structured and if I’m right I’m going to recommend based on data we haven’t captured yet to tell you to send at different times. You’ve formed a hypothesis for them and then validated or invalidated it based on their original ask. Is there a difference between a good analyst and a great analyst. It gets tired of waiting for a hypothesis to come to you. If there’s not a good good one there you help formulate it.

[00:30:29] I think that’s for analysts first the senior analyst. You know if you look at building out your skill set as a marketer I think it’s dangerous to say oh I’m going to get senior analysts I’m going to let them generate the hypotheses I want the marketers to be generating the hypotheses and I want these.

[00:30:46] Those are little things happen where I wanted to generating it. I want that to be spawning them to say things that I can say oh you just stated a hypothesis let me go validate that cause I’m most happy and successful when somebody else who’s got experience and ideas and motivation and I’m listening to what they’re saying and I’m translating those into hypotheses that I can validate.

[00:31:09] Did you like how I used your hypothesis structure though. I listen and listen when you talk. I’m surprised he didn’t just take credit for it. What made after all the kudos I got for that whole case isn’t Stanford a thousand Regino. I’ve noticed you’ve stopped saying it when you present that I ruin that for you. Probably. That’s almost worth it for me so I can I can give another example Yeah. And again this is like a real tactical one by one of the things that is kind of in my playbook is when we’re working with a major advertiser we’re looking at everything we’re not just looking at one type of advertising. So being able to create some insights around actual agency or campaign type are away as tends to be full of wins. So for example this agency is riding the hell out of your brand prepaid search and I hypothesize that if you were to dial it back 50 percent you’d get almost all of that back in organic. But I don’t have the data yet similar to Tim’s point from earlier.

[00:32:11] Some of that stuff start anything social was on that and the paid versus organic falls and that you don’t have the nice world of being able to AB tests. You have to say. But you know let’s turn off our Facebook spend for a week. I had a client through did that I kind of threw it out there and thought they would never go for it. I was like the only way we’re going to figure out what kind of legs you get from this is if you just turn off your paid Facebook for for a week or two. And I was expecting to go anywhere if it was going to go somewhere I would have liked to have kind of had some deliberate about that and I got a call from our account manager. She was like they turned off their off their Facebook spin three days ago and they’re going to keep it out for ten days and then you need to do some analysis and tell them what happened. I hadn’t thought about that one in a while but it definitely shows the total fucking scam that the Facebook media is. And then the disconnect between what their sales team says and in reality of. But I want to know what you think about Facebook paid media. I just think that I need explicit timing on the podcast a little lack of lack of the old farm.

[00:33:18] There you go. I’ve got another one in the tape. But I think we’re right at time. So instead what I want to do is go around and have us wrap up a little bit. What did we learn here today.

[00:33:32] Well the analysts will talk for a long time before actually describing a specific inside.

[00:33:37] Well that’s true too and that’s interesting. But actually you know as much as the three of us were sort of like having a hard time getting going I think we do like to talk about insights and things we have found in the data and hopefully it will be an inspiration to the people. But what about YouTube with some ramp ups she takeaways.

[00:33:59] You know I mean like I like here you guys as examples but I’d love to hear on the Facebook page the Twitter account. Other people saying like here’s a win I got. And here’s how I did it. And to me that was the other really big takeaway from today which is that an insane sure as hell isn’t a one pager and accelerate e-mail. You know it’s it’s part of a dialogue it’s focused at a person. Like other things we’ve been talking about before about what it takes to be a great analyst. All of those are required along with good focus and data and something that’s actionable that that was really interesting you know that the packaging is as important as what’s in the package for an insight.

[00:34:38] It and probably probably admit that we’re joking about the KayKay P.A. that it was actually Mr. Houweling a couple of years ago who pointed me to Chris Barry’s post on what is an insight. I feel like that that has come up in multiple lobby bars over the years and it’s appropriate that it has come up it came up here as well. So as much as I jumped on it because I had successfully pulled that up.

[00:35:02] That is a credit to Mr. Hublin to find the valuable Canadian and but for the kettle’s I’m always looking for a viable Canadian lawyer. And why am i always the douche. Now. You are a proud cohost of this fan.

[00:35:22] I feel like I have a big effect. We went we heard what I think is some critical stuff I just I got them out multiple cell boxes and stand on your guys soapboxes which are the same as my soapboxes about how to think about this stuff. I think it’s a good thing to say. Give me a list of great insights you’ve developed and they say you know I am trying to can’t ask myself every day when I’m talking to a client. Is this. Is it actionable. Is it something that is actually going to contribute to the business. And I mean the reality is you still have to pull other stuff but pushing back with that being kind of the goal that I want to give you something you can act on that you will be able to say move the business forward. And that’s for ten years I’ve been I’ve been trying to do that and I’m still not like I’m cranking out an actionable insight.

[00:36:13] You know once a day or even necessarily once a week I like tell some of the things we were talking about were no discoveries of around or came from other sources but sometimes are focused on the user experience. And I love that connection and I always have is the site experience or usability connected to insight generation because there’s a lot of ways to you know generate additional dollars like none of us really talked about you know media optimization or media insights. Well we did a little bit in terms of sort of affiliates and paid search and those kinds of things. But it’s interesting because there’s a lot of incremental value I think stashed in the pages of a site.

[00:36:56] We didn’t talk about media optimization except for every fucking one of Jim’s examples of hard to that outright. I don’t know. I actually think paid surge.

[00:37:11] I mean we didn’t talk about display media that way and when you say how did you feel about media and media optimization. To me that is the hanging fruit getting to the right person to make the obvious fucking choice and that is damn near impossible. So yeah away get we’ll get our junior analyst will get our five year analyst and one get some media person to actually defend the way that they crunch data and just paint a rosy picture from it. Tim as every previous agency experience at this moment previous current tomorrow vastly anyway.

[00:37:48] Well this has been a great episode thank you guys. Jim and Tim for sharing some of the insights you’ve had over the years. I like this conversation. I think it’s a helpful conversation because it’s helpful for people to hear about the insight process and how we might have come up with an insight or been on teams that came up with insight. Obviously if you’re listening to this show you want to share an insight we’d love to hear from you where you’ve got questions about this topic. We’d love to hear from you on our Facebook page or on Twitter. We’re also on slack. There’s a measure slack hit any of us up on Twitter.

[00:38:26] We can get you connected to the rest of the community talk about the stuff we love to hear from you. Again thank you for listening. Tim Wilson and given cain’t think he’s just getting incremental now.

[00:38:43] Thanks for listening. And don’t forget to join the conversation on Facebook or Twitter. We welcome your comments and questions. Facebook dot com slash analytics now or analytics on Twitter.

[00:38:57] Smart guys want to fit in. They made up a term called analytic analytics don’t work.

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