#033: Winning with Analytics

You know what it’s time we do? It’s time we make analytics great again. How can we do that? With three guys who know about winning. Maybe not winning with real estate. Or with steaks. But winning with analytics. Are these three guys winners? Well, for the sake of 40 minutes of audio, let’s say they are. And then we’ll let you, the people, decide.

Gratuitous pop culture references in this episode include: DJ Khaled, Larry David (on SNL), and Louis CK.

Episode Transcript

Show Transcript

The following is a straight-up machine translation. It has not been human-reviewed or human-corrected. We apologize on behalf of the machines for any text that winds up being incorrect, nonsensical, or offensive. We have asked the machine to do better, but it simply responds with, “I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

[00:00:25] Hi everyone. Welcome to the digital analytics power hour.

[00:00:30] This is Episode 33. You might wonder why do we get these sweet gigs. Why do people listen to us on this podcast.

[00:00:40] Because we’re winners. That’s why when it’s time to do analytics we do the real talk in the DGA Khalid sense the Cloth talk. Don’t know what this is. You like us A.J. Khalid and come along for this episode. Let me bring in my homies. Tim Wilson from analytics demystified who has been frantically googling that entire intro to try to figure out what the hell we’re talking about. Jim came from Ottawa the mean streets of Ottawa want to go out on the cold hard streets of Ottawa. All right. So we’ve got paved up there that actually really hard. Now that we know the ground freezes the ground freezes. Yeah my heart into March so it’s a little more revenue. Two weeks of permafrost. Yeah the frozen tundra. So yeah this is the exciting show we’re going to do a little something special. Where we’re were throwing the show don’t go out the window. We’re telling them it’s going to be exciting. That’s right. Let’s raise that bar as high as we can. Never mind. This show is probably going to be terrible. There you go. There the old Larry David SNL intro. So we’re going to throw out some approaches to analytics problems and then we’re going to kind of talk about how we would approach it and what we would do in that situation. So we’re going to shoot out some scenarios. Jim Cain’s going to lead us off and we’re going to problem solve right here. Seven months ago not really all we do is win right scenario number 1 win Jim Gain.

[00:02:23] This is not a actual scenario that we’ve gone through at napkin but it’s a fairly standard one.

[00:02:30] So you know you know an agency that through this train is leaving New Jersey going in forty five miles per hour and in the opposite direction.

[00:02:40] All right. So you were brought cold into a conference call with the CMO CIO of a billion dollar retailer. They proceed to tell you that they aren’t satisfied with their Web performance data from their internal reporting and beyond which is what the senior leadership team had been using historically. They’re aware they have a web analytics tool but they’ve never looked at it before. They ask what you could do to support them in the next 30 days to start a proper analytics practice.

[00:03:08] Do they ask about a proper analytics practice or do they say What can you do in the next 30 days to deliver insights. Yes they need you to dive in and the Web site verification questions.

[00:03:20] So two years ago no one would say analytics practice. And per my discussion for the predictions episode were being asked that on purpose a lot. Now like not just you know give me some good.

[00:03:35] Yeah if I popularized the term gets people ownership of this podcast analytics practice lead that’s me. I did. You’re welcome. Could. Wow our host tonight has created a dose of hubris to the day could you please help bring my now wife. All right. So billion dollars only a billion less Lardelli more or less. You don’t really know there is. I mean because you know Arclight was kind of give me an answer you know I know some of the problems. No I’m just kidding. I just get it. We would gladly take a client making 500 million dollars a year. All right. And then what do they sell or like pick would like having a shopping cart. Anyone can make a vertical. Yeah. That we have a shopping cart even in of itself narrows it down to. It does. But I mean you know we could be talking Hammacher Schlemmer.

[00:04:42] You don’t have a shopping cart and if there’s a category that you want to use in your example just give her go.

[00:04:50] Sounds great. All right Tim how would you solve this problem. Well this reminds me of maybe not billion dollar maybe not retail or shop cart. I tend to head into these things and feel like a lot of times the. What is being. Requested is not really what’s needed. So maybe that is sounding big time like a consultant. But. You know if you’re a retailer typically your web analytics tool is not your system of record. So. I would definitely want to probe a little bit and figure out why they’re not satisfied with their performance data. I would want to know what I don’t know. This to me feels almost like a strategy type engagement which is something we do like how do we get on the path of selling selling our services. I don’t know where would you start. I’m going to I’m going to punt because I can’t these sorts of things come in and I probably half the time run for the hills because I have one or two conversations and I’m like your expectations are not realistic and you are not receptive to any aspect of your data. Clean is your what are you expecting to get. What can you get in 30 days. What are you going to put behind it and the way a people do you have an in-house analyst who’s going to ramp up and learn this stuff. So I often run for the hills with these sorts of things because it smells a little funny to me.

[00:06:19] All right. So Tim Wilson would turn down the business.

[00:06:27] I was not going to start I can’t say that Jim throws out a scenario and then you just it. Answer the question I thought Jim would throw out the scenario and then give his notes. Let’s start with. OK.

[00:06:40] So here’s a couple of thoughts. One is in 30 days there’s not a lot you can accomplish to restore their faith in the data to be able to start making decisions with it. So really you’re looking for more quick hits sort of incremental achievements that can get them on a path. But the first thing you need to understand is sort of where they at from a budget perspective because you could spend a lot of money in 30 days or spend a little bit of money but you got to understand sort of what you’re playing with because that will dictate kind of what you try to do first right. And then let’s say for instance to have a very small budget right now but maybe a bigger budget the future next fiscal year something like that. So no money now but some money later. So then I would say OK well let’s start small with something like an audit to figure out what data they’re collecting currently where their gaps are and then fix some of those things. We layer in a little tag management system to make things more efficient. Or maybe that the fundamental premise is just because of recent goings on in the industry. Like. Shy about the fact that are.

[00:07:55] Squeamish about the fact that the three of us are all kind of consultants analytics agencies and as you are brought into a conference call and there’s part of me feels like what if I’m internally what if I’m brought in because I’m an analyst internally and I’m doing this Half-Time and the CMO and CIO say hey we need to do more with web analytics part of it does come down to. The.

[00:08:20] Basic people process technology of even if you have if you have a Web video or links to and you’re not aware that you have it and you’re not using it. Chances are the data in it is limited and possibly really dirty. So you very likely could say in 30 days. All we’re going to do is figure out that the data in your web links to IS crappier than the data in your system of record that is crediting the site. There’s a people part that says if you want to stay never proper analytics practice and you’re a billion dollar retailer you can’t do that with fully outsourced or with fractional internal headcount. Who were the people who were unsuccessful. Six other roles in the companies they’ve been shoved in the analytics and your process. If it’s we are expecting people to be able to log into the tool and just get insights that’s going to fail too. So I’ll agree that in 30 days about all you can do is assess and I mean those are the sometimes you throw governance in. Although I think that’s kind of one step beyond the basics of Do you have people and are they equipped. Do you have technology is that in decent shape now in a snapshot and do you have any sort of process and all you’re going to get after 30 days is a report card.

[00:09:46] Yeah. I would say if you’re the analyst who already works there your job is probably something along the lines of pumping out weekly reports that nobody looks at and if you’re a really really good analyst who works there you’ve already quit and went somewhere else because no one’s paying any attention to you and you’re not having any traction.

[00:10:03] Well they’ll say if you’re an analyst if you’re a really good analyst and you really like the company and you see the potential you are hopefully automating their shit out of the. Yeah. And you’re carving out time to find ways to deliver that incremental value in which case you’re turning around and asking that CMO and CIO. You’re saying I need to get an hour with you and I need to find out what. Questions. Why you’re not satisfied with your Web performance data from your internal reporting and B.I. I want to know what you think is going on. That doesn’t square with that data. I want to find out. So maybe that’s getting to the crux of the biscuit is you want to find out from the CMO and the CIO. Why. And. I want to figure out not only what do you not trust I don’t want to just give you more accurate data I want to make sure I’m chasing down with very limited resources something that would lead to you making a change. You believe you’re throwing away money on affiliate or you believe that your checkout process is utter crap or something. That’s an easy one.

[00:11:12] These are the ones that I think pose this thing that you guys touched on a couple of things that I would think immediately.

[00:11:18] And one of them is again whether you’re coming in like cold to an organization you’ve never met or whether you’re an internal analyst. The nature of that discussion means no one took you seriously until right now. So what’s your play right. And I think going in and operating under the assumption that the entire measurement infrastructure is fucked up. You know and we’ve even had a couple conversations like this in the last year where they didn’t even have a tag manager yet. Right. So they have a critically flawed measurement infrastructure for accuracy and coverage. They have. This is something that Gary touched on that I just I probably mentioned that every podcast since but there’s a lack of alignment between silos or between departments to create that working group that lets you do measurement like who cares whether it’s B.I or finance data or data mart or web analytics. They’re not doing it properly. And then the third thing is that they are probably not generating reports that people like and by reports I mean standardize performance reports. So what I would probably say is within 30 days we will have an understanding of how bad your data capture infrastructure is and on the other end of that like the direct opposite side more of a pure business fashion we will have approved wire frames for a dashboard that both the CMO and the CIO agree would give them proper visibility into performance. So you don’t like what you’ve got now don’t worry about the tools for a minute. Tell me what you want your daily report to look like. Do we need a forecast.

[00:12:55] We need plan do we need ro ask do we need your favorite color and then those two things will will start to feed off each other and then you can work your way towards the middle of it. But by day 30 a clear understanding of performance reporting and a clear understanding of the data capture infrastructure you could you could hand that off and walk away. It would be in a position where they could execute.

[00:13:18] You were kind of alluding to it. Is there also a clear understanding of what the cross-functional alignment team looks like and who’s on that. Who who is your champion. From. I.T. who is your champion from marketing. What is the cadence of them working together. Who’s the who’s the analyst how’s that going to work. Or is that too.

[00:13:41] I don’t think it’s ambitious and they should just do a sneaky shoot for an early show in order to do the technology on it.

[00:13:48] You’re going to be passed to the person in I.T. who owns the deployments whether they take them seriously or not you’re going to be passed to the people who own finance data record whether they care or not. Right. So you’re going to have to talk to you and the business will self identify who all the stakeholders are through the departments that you need to bring together. You just don’t have to go out and say Tell me who you pick for these things because they kind of exist they’re just not talking to each other or agreeing yet. But. There’s a little bit of a risk. I think this is one of the scenarios that if you’re too sneaky. Then. What can happen is. There’s not a recognition or an awareness of how things should operate going forward like that is the that’s the downside of.

[00:14:40] Quick Hits which is not necessarily what you’re saying is quick hits but to me I’m increasingly finding I want to have that conversation where it is this is what needs to happen. If you’re serious about this then we need to do X and Y and if we try to kind of guerrilla it which. I’ve been a big proponent of. No you don’t need Top-Down support. You can kind of. Demonstrate and show and kind of incremental lies your way along with you know scrapping this stuff together. And as I’ve been drifting over the last couple of years to know you need to have a Come to Jesus meeting and say. You can’t be. You can’t halfway do analytics you need to have a full commitment and maybe that’s what’s coming out of the in the 30 days is saying you’re really short in these areas and you’re not going to get this daily or weekly dashboard you’re not going to have the ability to do this sort of analysis unless you invest in this area and this area and this area. And if you don’t like it then good luck you know knock yourself out. It’s not get one dallies.

[00:15:56] That’s why I like the dashboard design at the wireframe level.

[00:15:59] Like don’t worry about your current infrastructure because when you have an approved executive wireframe and you have an understanding of all the gaps in the existing deployment you’re also going to have a whole list of requirements from the executive team for data that doesn’t even exist in the deployment yet. So day 31 you can spin off a project plan to fix the infrastructure and evolve it to capture the data to power the dashboard. The CMO and the pull that off you’re going to have to have every stakeholder you’ve met in that first 30 days be an active participant. So I’m not saying sneaky forever. I’m just saying you don’t need to make a stakeholder identification and building an internal task force like the first thing you do because people hate that shit. Yeah.

[00:16:46] Yeah a great way to bring them in organically over the course finding welcome really Mongery you really are and then when you’re in a position where people will come a lot more willingly. I think.

[00:16:58] Interesting. So that’s the big strategy on it contact timid analytic demystified that he will put you in touch with Jamal Abbott. To conduct a.

[00:17:12] Strategy on it. What are we doing guys. But the question of the whole squeamish about this one. The

[00:17:20] concept I guess feels weird because I think so because I think Lisa had higher. And this touches nicely and some of the stuff that Lee is trying to support as well with her podcast. Analysts don’t get access a lot.

[00:17:35] And when they do they tend to blow it. And so you know we have approaches from consulting land. But I think everything I said pertains 100 percent to an internal analyst right. The CMO does not give you zero Fox but what the Toula record is. And when we hear that people are unhappy with B.I or they aren’t happy with it like we’re going to try this again with adobe or Google Analytics it’s because they hate their reporting. They don’t care it’s a million monkeys and a million typewriters right. But what they’re doing the analyst is going everybody else didn’t give me what I want. What’s your approach to give me what I want.

[00:18:15] To me that is a it is a different environment when you’re inside an organization and looking at it and saying there is there is opportunity here. It’s generally hasn’t bubbled up to the CMO CIO to say hey let’s call the web analytics team and ask them. Tell them that we’re dissatisfied with this other department because that would be a little bit of a dysfunction to say let’s call Team X for marketing and hits all over Team y from the B group and ask them what they can do for us.

[00:18:50] If they weren’t paying us the first impression that they want to carry the ball drop it why are they so landsmen that the reason I made it a big enterprise is because big enterprises are more than willing at that senior level to throw whole departments under the bus when they’re not happy.

[00:19:04] It’s been 18 months.

[00:19:05] I’ve asked for X.. I have not yet gotten x. Can someone else help me get the thing I want. Let’s let’s give this department a try.

[00:19:14] I guess I feel like I see a lot more of organizations saying I suspect there is more value here. And. And I guess how can we get it. Not necessarily a. I don’t know that I get a lot of intros that are. The data is not good. When I go back to my client side days it was much it was much scrappier from the bottom up where. We. Were trying to say there is value here but it was completely run through what are our interactions with the business and the lead. Every time we interact with the business how are we finding what we can do with experts on our messy Cluj together fragmented data sources. How can we find a way to use that data to deliver value and. Kind of work it from that angle and I left that organization eight years ago and they are still on that they are still on that journey. And I think they’re getting there. I don’t know. I’m still struggling with the.

[00:20:23] Maybe I just don’t have the same well and to be honest with you the stuff about nice things going on and knowing employee.

[00:20:31] So you don’t take my advice I don’t know. But I’m guessing that given the nature of my scenario you guys have ones that are much more tactical.

[00:20:40] Well the only change Jim is you’re just no longer an employee you’re a you’re still going you’re in trouble CEO. But your people have to take it. No I mean I think the scenario is potentially fine.

[00:20:57] It’s more just there’s so many things that could impact how you approach it. It’s just really hard to say like oh well here’s how you do it. And you know I guess I’m still at the point where you know like you it’s sort of like a lot of assessment and first steps and then you can dig into maybe taking a step forward in a proactive direction. But there’s a lot of there’s a lot of trial and you know limb chopping off you’re going to do before you can rescue the patient.

[00:21:26] So maybe if we shift to a more tactical scenario which is a little bit more at the one on one level of a a marketer approaches me and says You know I own the site or I own this portion of the website and you have the keys to the Web analytics and I’ve logged into our tool when I’m not really sure where I’m supposed to be looking. Can you dig in and and just find me some opportunities and gaps or can you find me some insights things that sort of make my skin crawl that I feel like I run into regularly day in and day out kind of the one on one discussion a sincere question of I know the data is there. I know I don’t know what it’s telling me the analyst is the expert dear analyst. Can you tell me something that will help me drive my business. And since Jim got to throw his out and then not have to chime in for until I was done rambling on how I would address that. I’ll throw that to you guys as to how do you win with that one. That’s fine. And do you need to know the specific vertical and daily the conversion rate and all that what are the demographics of the.

[00:22:46] Department. Are they from. Well they own the. They’re the business owner of the site or a portion of the site. I don’t know what their product management. They’re marketing it that they. And fucking it matters a lot. Tim Well every organization is organized differently.

[00:23:04] I still don’t know you’re going to go astray. Yeah.

[00:23:05] Marketing and whether it’s something my products and where things are now I can’t tell you what I go if I could go straight with C.K. I would die a happy happy happy man. And now we’re talking about pop culture references that I can get behind. It’s just a matter of a certain number of drinks.

[00:23:22] Tim I think it’s all that what you want to see as break the Ginta will mission you see that number hazardous in San Francisco. It’s you’re going to take this one first. You go ahead. I like your story guys. Let’s listen more Iredell and find York. Why did sales go down like just those really broad.

[00:23:45] It could be any one of a billion things they can’t believe you asked me but it’s my job so I’ll try questions and we get them all the time. The first thing that I would say is that something we’re trying to do a lot more in answering these questions and it’s a little easier with Google than Adobe but it’s something I stole from our vice president who’s an engineer and it’s called Parad programming. So we’ll actually especially for certain kinds of asks and this would be a good one is share a screen or you know if you’re in the office sit down together at a screen and start to solve together because a big piece of dealing with these kinds of questions is kind of rapid iteration of hypotheses like could it be this. Now what about that. Let’s go a little deeper now. Let’s try something else. So really being able to partner with the stakeholder and a save a lot of time by trying to answer the question with them quickly and be using it as an excuse for some kind of free training and development with that person is a really great way to get a quick win.

[00:24:54] And I kind of think the what I think of a quick answer a quick thing to check. It may still take five or 10 minutes of poking and managing the data but you’re actually saying you sit there you will sit there.

[00:25:07] Yeah I know it’s later with a half an hour.

[00:25:10] Let’s work up a couple of hours all together and we have a solid hypothesis and then I have to go do some heavy lifting. Let’s let’s click on tabs and then when we get to a point where you go oh that’s interesting I wanted to pursue it. I’ll take us back to the Bat Cave. I’ll I’ll do the heavy lifting myself but just getting people more comfortable with the tool experience I find this is super valuable.

[00:25:32] I don’t disagree with the. Getting people familiar with the Intel experience. But I think for me that 30 minutes sometimes the tool is a distraction as opposed to an aid because especially if I’m writing our script while while they’re sitting looking at me. Yeah I mean we’re talking 30 minutes.

[00:25:50] That’s I think that was the heavy lifting.

[00:25:52] He was right saying kick it that the of it go. It was a really selective measurement I’ll just deal with but it’s one of those big open generic ghasts.

[00:26:04] Yeah like what can I do to. I know I’ve got some missing stuff Flake helped me figure out some gaps or opportunities. But I think I would delve into a deeper understanding of what they were doing with their part of the business in that 30 minutes that gave me a point of view to go in after analysis for them as opposed to spending the time in the tool. That’s just my preference. I think you can see it worse either way. I just think the tool could slow you down in that conversation that could be used to kind of root out some useful information about what kinds of customers or segments to go after or types of details about what they do that may guide you in finding useful analysis.

[00:26:47] Yeah I mean so I don’t disagree with the. Brand is right that’s why I was personally I was a miserable person. SOccket Trubek so you’re wrong. Totally 100 percent wrong. I get to be the John Roberts here and come down with blink on this one. No I just put the first thing is I think there’s multiple ways to do that. And actually I do know for a fact that going through the data and I think Google Analytics unless you have a a really custom configured Adobe analytics implementation I think Google Analytics is very friendly to walk through the way you’re suggesting Jim you don’t think knowing you need to go to custom conversion 21 through 20 30 25 here and create a custom metric and the default navigation. Oh of course you need to go to the conversion 48.

[00:27:42] But I said you if you if you do a really nice job customizing it which needs to have that power or that flexibility if it’s really well done then it makes it really easy to navigate.

[00:27:54] But I think I think what you surface how much they understand their own business. I’ve got a I’ve got a client who has a lot of e-commerce business and they have a very involved internal search because they have a ton of Skewes so they’ve spent years kind of evolving how their internal search works and the lady who runs internal search she knows internal search inside and out. And it has been sort of tuning and tweaking it for years. And it turns out you go figure she has really smart questions and with her the questions tend to come in very very specific. And it is a case where I think last episode we were talking about an analysis workspace in Adobe you know setting up something for her and saying I’ve set up a project you can go and drag different things and explore this and then watching that enables her to dig in and then she finds something and she’ll say hey can you go look at that project as well. I want to make sure that what I’m seeing is what I’m what I think I’m seeing. So I don’t know that wasn’t. That’s about the closest I’ve come to being in tune with somebody on the fly. I’m kind of intrigued by that. It’s got to be the right kind of receptive. You know business user I guess who says I’m interested in that tool but I don’t really have the confidence to drive it. But if we drive it together for a while. Like you said Jim you’re kind of you’re training them along the way but you’re also kind of rapidly and broad cuts getting to.

[00:29:28] Oh it’s not that it’s not where the traffic is coming from. No it’s not. It’s not happening in traffic. I know it’s you know.

[00:29:35] So you’re kind of raggedy to the original as you are as the aspirational is really good.

[00:29:43] Like give me something juicy you know give me an insight. Why did sales go down. Big question.

[00:29:49] And so wait you’re presupposing we just don’t say no and walk away.

[00:29:59] I’ve pushed back and said I I going to have. So

[00:30:03] that’s why I like even more information.

[00:30:04] It’s not like it that anybody ever gets to ask them questions obviously know to me acknowledging that it is too vague of a question requires the problem solved to include some training. And so if that person is involved in traffic marketing we’re going to find some interesting shit in the channels or the campaign data. And we’re going to start there. If you’re in more of the Insight marketing we’re going to look immediately at landing pages and probably subset by device. You know if you’re in operations we might look at your page load times and 404 pages and more.

[00:30:41] Oh I like that.

[00:30:45] How much do you do you go in and you ask them to sort of guess what you think you’re going to see that you know and they say when they’re kind of heading down the path of hey we think we’re getting under credited with this media because we think the conversion is happening on the third visit and they’re higher in the funnel and you say well how many how often do you think that people who were converting who been to our site more than once and get them to guess. I mean that’s kind of an interesting with the right person. Yeah. Which it seems like it has to be a person you’ve got some trust built up with ahead of time and maybe internally that’s easier.

[00:31:18] You’ve delivered reports that are useful you delivered analyses that are useful they are excited with what you’ve delivered so they come to you and say wow every time we ask you a specific question you come up with a little gem so why don’t we just ask you a broad question and we’ll get a really we’ll get the hope frikken Diamond and you’ve got the credibility built up to say you know what let’s let’s sit down for 30 minutes and have that discussion and let’s have the laptop or have it fired up on a screen. I mean I could see kind of a hybrid of what both of you guys have kind of articulated that I’ve got the tool at the ready. We’re having that discussion. I can say you know what I’m going to spend less than 60 seconds pulling up a broad swath that means I think that good. I actually am inclined to say that you’re probably going to pull up something they’re going to understand a lot faster and Googling and Adobe and unexpended found that a lot of the smaller stakeholders aren’t asking that kind of my to screw with you.

[00:32:17] Interesting they just don’t know the difference between things that are easy and things that are hard for a web analyst. And we can do some things very very quickly and I’m not trying to set anything up like there’s certain kinds of well what a business user would think is really complicated analysis like I don’t know break down mobile tablet desktop from New Jersey from branded paid search in this land. Like I could do it like five seconds. Right. But it sounds hard. And then other types of analysis they will find me some some high level insights just just give me a direction to go in is really brutal and going through a few exercises with a stakeholder to help them formulate a better hypothesis. I mean it isn’t just kind of training and showing people stuff but it also helps clearly down the role of how your analyst can be invaluable to you.

[00:33:03] I often find myself having an immediate kind of visceral reaction of I can’t believe you just fucking threw that little Friday afternoon can you. And it’s this ridiculous ask and I have to kind of remind myself that that yes I can look it I can get a question and know very very quickly that is quick and easy or wow that’s a mountain of work. And the fact is recognizing that the person who’s asking it all they know is they’ve strong 20 words together and their likelihood of knowing whether they’ve asked the most broad generalized unavailable or find sales converge and question or where they’ve asked device type they don’t you see I’m going to go ahead ask you a lot of times when I was actually here get me out of the magic display impressionist line.

[00:33:55] I buy yo D. That’s my most favorite acronym right now.

[00:34:00] Cringila Maffeo D. Yeah I do have to say every time I hear low hanging fruit I now have an involuntary it’s usually a little and several members of my staff who are signing emails with warm regards you know that particular podcast actually created a little bit of Degrassi action here at. Yeah.

[00:34:23] Little

[00:34:24] bit of a backlash for it. All right well these are great and you guys are great. Your answers are so smart and I love them. I

[00:34:36] would agree with the great words of Tom Miller. If anybody is still listening to this episode Yeah. No I think there are some really cool things that we came up with. We

[00:34:45] do we are really short on time so we need to wrap up although I have a scenario but I’ll just have to wait. The world will never know. Let’s do a lightning scenario. OK V.P. of Marketing walks over to your desk and he says I need an insight that we can use to make money today to make money can we save money.

[00:35:07] Drop your display spin. Yeah. Hey Don director spouses always lying around.

[00:35:15] No one in the warehouse their phones xterm Redmond they don’t even need it for that Profita man.

[00:35:30] All right. So yeah lightning rod right.

[00:35:31] Great.

[00:35:34] What would your answer to that one. You know increase paid search spend that well run it right.

[00:35:41] You could check it out today. You should be able to check and say chances are. My highest converting highest row as a vast quick channel. Yeah if I could have more money even if the hours out I couldn’t wrap the one into the other one. And it may only be short term so it may come with caveats that may not be. That’s assuming that you’re not running fully optimized right now. I like that one.

[00:36:06] Or you know hey with the new crazy great technologies we can have it. The Senate today promotional banner on the home be turning up on code box. Well that’s going to make you necessarily more net money. No. Yeah.

[00:36:22] Yeah I mean if you can change your mind go ahead and probably don’t have the problem of needing more money today. All

[00:36:32] right. I like I like yours Michael. I like the you know what if you’re actually want to make money today. I bet you can shift spend between channels and you’re probably going to piss somebody off and make someone else happy. But you quantify it. That’s it.

[00:36:45] You know if you if you know where demand is coming from right now across which channels you think you get more out by doing something unhealthy and this very moment which could be dropping another e-mail actually yeah but you can open up an e-mail today but you may just be pushing an e-mail you’ve already pushiness.

[00:37:03] Yeah. This just in on my Nortel. I got to I got to go. I got I got some I got some today ones to push to my clients now.

[00:37:14] All right. So this has been great. Do you have questions have you faced these scenarios. We’d love to hear from you as always Jim and Tim there’s been a good conversation. Little fun little bit off kilter. All we do is win no matter what.

[00:37:30] You know we’d love to hear from you. Thanks for listening and for both of my cohost keep on analyzing.

[00:37:39] Thanks for listening. And don’t forget to join the conversation on Facebook Twitter. We welcome your comments and questions. Facebook dot com slash and on Facebook now or on Twitter. Smart guys pretty made up a little.

[00:37:58] Work. I’m wound up. We’re going to start this thing. We can start this thing but we do not know what the fuck we’re doing. We should probably discuss it. OK guys before we get started. Web analytics is it easier. Hard discuss. That more time. Self-righteous asshole. Yeah the self-righteous worry. Stop my acronym motherfucker. I was chivvy you. Okay I’m going to figure out D.J Kalidas. I’ll be back in 45 minutes. Before. I let it go. Wow that was so amazing. And unable to be heard by anyone ever. The day. I was heard. Fucking with her Edeniq here buddy. Sorry. Like in 20 years Tim will find the recording like stuck on a drop box somewhere for a laugh and just throw it out on Twitter and we’ll all just die laughing because we’re already rich.

[00:39:25] Rock flag in winning with X.

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