(Bonus) 1:1 with Aurélie Pols: Privacy and GDPR

Moe sat down for a chat with privacy and GDPR expert Aurélie Pols to dive in to some of the questions that, at times, get treated as peripheral in the run-up to new regulations, but that seem like they are fairly fundamental when it comes to understanding the rationale and drivers behind those regulations: what does the Holocaust have to do with GDPR? Is GDPR something that was simply dreamed up in Europe, or are there roots in other countries (teaser: Eleanor Roosevelt). Is GDPR inherently anti-business? It’s a quick chat but, hopefully, will give you some deeper perspective on the subject!

3 Responses

  1. Tiji Mathew says:

    I really love this podcast!

    Could you repost the podcast with better audio? It is a great topic and the interviewee’s voice is being lost in the echo.

    Appreciate all the content being provided. Keep going!

  2. Chris says:

    I agree, the audio makes it unfortunately impossible to listen to.

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