#130 (Rebroadcast): Data Stories with Nancy Duarte

We’re getting close to winding down our hiatus, during which we’ve been rebroadcasting some of our favorite episodes, but we couldn’t do that without revisiting our discussion with Nancy Duarte shortly after the publication of DataStory: Explain Data and Inspire Action Through Story. Nancy is one of the deepest thinkers in the world of effective communication, so it was not surprising that it was a delightful and informative discussion!

For complete show notes including transcript and links to items mentioned in the show, see the original show page: #130 – Data Stories with Nancy Duarte

Once upon a time, there was an analyst. And that analyst had some data. She used that data to do some analysis, and from that analysis she realized she had some recommendations she could make to her organization. This was the point where our intrepid analyst reached a metaphorical fork in Communication Road: would she hastily put all of her thoughts together quickly in a slide deck with charts and graphs and bullets, or would she pause, step back, and craft a true data story? Well, if she listened to this episode of the podcast with presentation legend Nancy Duarte, author of five award-winning books (the most recent one — DataStory: Explain Data and Inspire Action Through Story — being the main focus of this episode) she would do the latter, and her story would have a happy ending indeed!

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