Popular Topic Themes

In our 2024 listener survey, we explored what topics our audience wanted to hear more about. It turns out that there is a lot of interest in some of the topics we’ve already covered one way or another, so we thought we would create some thematic groups for the most popular requests from our listeners, populated with episodes that go all the way back to the beginning.

Do you have a topic you’d like propose? Let us know more about it here!

Note: if you came straight to this page, you can listen to Val and Julie on a 23-minute bonus episode discussing the survey here.

Stay tuned on this one. Starting in 2025, based on feedback from our 2024 listener survey, we started planning and recording some episodes specifically to dig into some specific methodologies.

Latest Episode

#264: When the Analyst’s Toolbox Includes Assessing the Zeitgeist with Erika Olson

#264: When the Analyst’s Toolbox Includes Assessing the Zeitgeist with Erika Olson

https://media.blubrry.com/the_digital_analytics_power/traffic.libsyn.com/analyticshour/APH_-_Episode_264_-_When_the_Analysts_Toolbox_Includes_Assessing_the_Zeitgeist_with_Erika_Olson.mp3Podcast: Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSSTweetShareShareEmail0 Shares